Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Title Sequence Coursework - Importance of Typography

Typography is important, especially to a title sequence, but sometimes it might be overlooked. Each title we see is specifically designed to express different viewpoints. The typography of something can change the entire look and feel of the title sequence.

The first importance typography is that it attracts the attention of the audience. Typography can carry a certain mood or feeling of the sequence, which the audience will understand and get the message, of the atmosphere, you are trying to communicate. Having the right font can convey the tone of you film to the audience and illustrate the film’s genre.

The second importance of typography it is easy to read.  The audience should be able to read it clearly when watching the title sequence. The fonts and sizes are important because you have to make them important to convey the messages of the film. If fonts are too small or cramped together it could be hard to read and the audience would immediately ignore them. They have to be easy to comprehend.

Another significance of typography is that it establishes an information hierarchy. Different sized and types of fonts means the audience can focus on the parts that are most important. For example, someone will pay more attention to writing that is bigger and bolder than writing that is small and less important.

Furthermore, an importance of typography is that it helps to create harmony. When you use the same font throughout the title sequence, it unifies it, showing that they are linked and it creates a sense of continuity and simplicity.

The last importance of typography is that it created and builds recognition. The fonts that you use in the title sequence will be remembered as visuals and the audience will remember them. 

These are examples of how typography can convey different messages and set different moods and atmospheres.

This typography looks colourful and exciting, which makes it convey happiness. We see this because the bold font attracts our attention and the vivid colours interests us into to looking at the text. This text shows happiness.

The typography to the left is shown to be scary and mysterious. This is because the design of the font is disturbing and makes us feel uncomfortable. The blood like look to the typography makes us feel uneasy as blood is seen as a gruesome thing. This is why this typography conveys scariness. 

1 comment:

  1. Examples?! The blog is supposed to be fully interactive. Whilst you have some video links you need to ensure you use images and videos and audio to make the blog as multimedia as possible. You are MARKED for doing so.
